How Many Denials Were There?

It is one of the great American plays.

Fences was written in 80’s

Complaining about a movie adaptation of it is like complaining about the new adaptation of Macbeth with Denzel Washington in the lead role.

Horkheimer did a much better job than I ever could. I think you know what it means. Stop playin’.

You’ve got a university education; use it.

Nobody cares. But latch on to it.

Sure sure :rofl:

You got caught.

Your link proves it is… thanks?

And the 4 names I listed. All black people.


Hey @PurpnGold ! What do you think he meant by “true consciousness”?

No, but if it makes you feel better, you can tell yourself that.

“Still”. No. But Ibid

None of them wrote THE TEXTBOOK!!!

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And I’m told that showing movies about a period of time during slavery or Jim Crow… makes people (conservatives) that slavery and Jim Crow is happening today.

Wait and since Denzel was in a few movies about those times (glory, fences, Malcolm X, Remember the titans) he MUST believe we are still under Jim Crow too. :rofl:

What else does my link prove?

Knowledge is power. Most people believe higher education is the key to opening your mind.

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Fences was totally done for the express purpose of upsetting white people and not because Denzel Washington has a desire to make Film adaptations of August Wilson’s Century Cycle.

It totally isn’t a passion project that he doing for prestige and profit.


It is all crt.

This must be the part where we deflect to movies because we can’t deny Neo-Marxism anymore.


Yep, we’re there.

:rofl: No shame?

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“CLS includes several subgroups with fundamentally different, even contradictory, views. Feminist legal theory examines the role of gender in the law. Critical race theory (CRT) examines the role of race in the law. Postmodernism is a critique of the law influenced by developments in literary theory, and it emphasizes political economy and the economic context of legal decisions and issues”

Also, your entire article says nothing about critical theory. Marx is more than just critical theory.

:rofl: No shame?

You came in to support another conservative regarding the motivations of movies today, about civil rights and slavery in the past.

I didn’t point to movies to justify the proliferation of CT, CRT or otherwise in our lives. @e7alr did that and you carried it forward with “fences”

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One can say that it was swung for and missed.

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Which makes Denzel a CRT advocate. Oh and Morgan freeman too! He starred in Glory, Amistad, Driving Miss Daisy, lean on me.

Movies with a racial component!! CRT!!

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I think we can all see you and your little sidekicks are trying to play games again.

You can deny your Neo-Marxism until the cows come home. It won’t change facts.

Honestly, I don’t believe most members of the black nation know or understand what it happening. Completely understandable. I think you sort of do, but you have to deny it. Also understandable.

And if you know and still embrace it, that’s fine too. The package is attractive.

The problem is the contents of the box are rotten.

Immiseration is required. They figured that out when the english proletariat didn’t rise up.

And the Neo-Marxist learned the materialism isn’t the key (see Horkheimer quote above).

It’s working now. Be proud.


I’m a liberal.