How Many Denials Were There?

Almost as if wealth isn’t a zero sum game because wealth can be expanded.

Correct. It’s always a mystery to me why some people think that because some other people are extremely wealthy that it prevents them from bring wealthy too.


Antifa are crits

K-12 . Extra credit for rioting.


All of this to keep educators from radicalizing our children in k-12, instead of waiting until they get to college to do it.

Gosh, wonder if they’ll spend a coupla bucks on studying the Italian migration to America at the end of the 19th and early 20th centuries? Aren’t Italians an ethnic group?

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Give credit where credit is due. This was all exposed by Project Veritas and released just prior to a school board meeting. The indication is, there’s more to this than just this one teacher.

Natomas Teacher With Antifa Flag In Classroom Caught On Video Urging Students To Attend Protests - YouTube

Here he is after he was fired, now playing…the victim.

Veritas Obtains Response Video Posted By Pro-Antifa Inderkum High School AP Gov Teacher Gabriel Gipe - YouTube

Here’s an independent journalist showing the school board meeting where the parents have been enlightened to their kids’ indoctrination and they are lashing out at the board. Again…there’s more to this?

Parents Go Off at School Board Meeting After Marxist Teacher Exposed by Project Veritas - YouTube


Atifi aficionados all need their asses handed to them. They have no problem dressing up in their cool Soros funded black tactical stuff and beating up or stabbing others. Perhaps they would enjoy getting their collar bone, arm or legs broken and some bumps on the head with a Louisville Slugger?

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Aren’t the denials that CRT isn’t officially part of any curriculum? Nobody claimed there weren’t a handful of rouge teachers trying to teach it. Also CRT isn’t even in the article.

It’s crit.

I don’t see that in the article either.

:rofl: That’s cute.

I see a bad teacher. I don’t see critical theory being taught.

That is critical theory. What you see is praxis.

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How is it critical theory?

You’ll need to do a lot of research. This isn’t the beginning.

Seems you’re making a lot of assumptions.

I understand, that’s because you haven’t done the work. I have.

You learned to be a hammer that sees nothing but nails.

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Oh no, not at all.

Do you suppose it includes the ethics of teachers proselytizing their political views?

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