How long does it take to diagnose a heart attack?

I thought i was having a heart attack one night. Heavy chest pains which kept getting worse. Got to where i could only take half breaths. Gasping for air. Horrible feeling.

They ran all sorts of tests and some of them twice. They finally decided it must be a Gall Bladder attack which it turned out to be.

They said the gall bladder is in bad shape when do you want it out?

I said NOW! :grin:

They wouldn’t do it till 4 days later.

I’ll go along with this. My wife had an episode a couple of months ago and shortly after we arrived and she was checked into ER they informed me we were possibly looking at a heart attack. About an hour or so later they confirmed it wasn’t. (BIG sigh of relief.) So in my experience, it’s a fairly quick diagnosis. I would say it would have to be for treatment reasons.

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As I said above, it’s easier (and faster) to rule one out than it is to confirm that someone has had one.

All the best man. Panic attacks are no joke. Take care of yourself.

I’m assuming … hoping … they gave you something to get through those four days.

Wow. That’s scary. Glad it worked out. How the heck does the gall bladder do that to you?

Antibiotics is all. They actually gave me some morphine during the attack.

The pain settled down after a few hours and then i went home from the emergency room.

They took it out 4 days later and it all went smooth.

Evidently it built up some gall stones which blocked the gall bladder off. Never had a sign of trouble till it happened.

My middle daughter had to have hers removed as well and she is in her 30’s. Mat be a bit genetic i don’t know.

■■■■■■■ hell. Getting old sucks.

So glad it wasn’t worse for you and happy it was addressed.

Thanks. My wife and I have a motto at our age…patch, patch patch. :grin:

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For me it was the combination of passing a gall stone while teaching while at the same time having a problem with a pinched nerve that made my arm numb. The pain was intense and radiated through my chest. I was all white and sweating like crazy. Then ended up removing my gall bladder in a couple of days after they verified it was the gall bladder and the blood thinners they gave me were out of my system.

Lol. Well, no matter your age, enjoy some physical activity every day, keep your body moving! Lots left to do in this life before we leave it!!!

Wow. Crazy. So glad it worked out for you. That must have been very scary.

Well i walk most days. Enjoy playing golf now and then. :+1:

Nice. I separated my shoulder skiing last year but am hoping to swing a club again in the near future.

Amen. I have Afib. I had an event in March of 2018 and wound up in the ER Via ambo. While my heart was in Afib they drew blood every 2 hours and within 4 hours the doc came in and told my my Triponin cardiac enzyme was elevated and I had suffered muscle damage; a clinical heart attack. They transferred me to a hospital that is THE place for cardiac care and wheeled me into the Cath Lab to check for blockages. Thankfully none and no need for stents. Someone who had to wait four days is ridiculous if true. I’m 68 and now knowing what I know about yer heart? You can die without getting proper ASAP care!
Four days? ■■■

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it is a binary choice: you either have had a hear attack or you haven’t. The choices are mutually exclusive. Therefore to rule out a heart attack takes exactly the same amount of time as to confirm that the person has had a heart attack.

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I thought I would provide this link for anyone who would like to know the possible warning signs for a heart attack. The most important consideration is if in any doubt please seek medical treatment as soon as possible.

Also, note the emergency number is 000 in Australia; I believe it is 999 in the UK and 911 in the USA.

My doctor’s office said within 48 hours a heart attack can be detected. It’s all about the enzymes.