How long can the minority rule

stop trolling me as you did here

stop trolling me like you did here

They wont be able to ban abortion nationally.

I dont believe the SCOTUS even a conservative one will roll back SSM that would be disastrous for the GOP. Robert’s will ensure that wont happen.strong text

stop trolling me like you did here

Um, no I haven’t. That’s what happened. Very debate-y response.

The controversy lies in whether they shouted a warning before he put the car in gear, and some of the usual police made up nonsense about how there was a mysterious fourth man.

Dude I get you’re obsessed with me but leave me alone, okay? It’s getting creepy.

ummm…there is lots of evidence that is not true.

translation: UNCLE!

I agree. It won’t happen.

I also agree they, especially Roberts, will put 5he court before the Constitution.

That’s the purvey of the trumpanzees.

You need to go watch the video. He stopped and got out because they shot the truck with his family, including young people were in the truck. Then they shot again after he got out but before he said “go ahead and shoot me”. They never saw him with a gun before they murdered him.

Women folk! What, now they’re human shields? They had a chance to get out. Instead they stayed in the car with someone who was clearly feeling suicidal.

Only racists compare other people to primates, according to you guys.

I’m talking about Finnecum.

Nonsense? You mean police lie.

Do you feel stupidity is hereditary or an achievement?

At any rate congratulations.

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Care to comment on the stupidity of driving at high speed towards a police barricade?

How about the stupidity of staying in the car of someone screaming “shoot me”?

Some of these comments… wow. If we just replaced wife with children… :thinking:

No, I’ve said all I care to about stupidity.

Lavoy Finnicum was a rapper from my hood and thugs from the state murdered him in front of his family.


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He was a guy who disrespected the safety of the womenfolk under his supervision. Where I come from, that is down right un-gentlemanly. Harumph.

They’re not.

But neither are far right authoritarians that are Trump’s most hard core supporters