How do you respond to this GOP graphic?

I look at it the same way I look at people who claim all Democrats were against the Civil Rights Act. They’re fundamentaly dishonest.

Agreed. It was clearly a north-south thing.

It was also a liberal-conservative thing.

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I haven’t dug deep enough to offer opinion on that. What I do know is that almost all southern Democrats voted against the Civil Rights Act. All southern Republicans (very small amount though) voted against the CRA.

In the north, most Republicans voted for the CRA and some voted against. In the north, most Democrats voted for the CRA and a few voted against.

Have never broken it down beyond that.

Oh, you’re right: it was regional. But there was also a pretty self-evident ideological component to it.

Martin Luther King published in The Progressive (Peace and Social Justice Since 1909), not National Review.

Conservatives who spew that talking point know all those details. They’re just hoping to trick people who won’t looking any further into the details into voting their way.

Trump is Cool…

Okay. So we finally established the specific demographic and cerebral wattage that this graphic was aimed at. Thanks for helping to clear that up.


In the case of Trump’s trade war with China he gets all the credit.