House Investigating Whether or Not Trump Lied to Mueller

I guess the quid pro quo lie is not working out, so they need something else…

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The thread title is wrong. Should be “…Lied to Strzok.”

Mueller has no idea what that “investigation” was.

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I agree. I don’t get why this should be a issue. I think we are going to hear the “I don’t recall” line used a lot in the foreseeable future.


The problem is that Trump is a serial liar and a known fraud. It’s not that there’s a pivot. It’s that there are so many incidents of malfeasance.

It’ll be the same response from fat donald “I have no recollection”

These are his answers from the Mueller report:


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Yup. the ■■■■■■■■■■■■ are going to be giddy at the notion of Trump “getting away” with perjury.

It triggerz da libz.

Man, wish I had your sources.

It’s a funhouse mirror fever dream.

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Strzok was long gone when this happened. They’re not even trying to come up with credible falsehoods anymore.

But you see… it is the fruit of a poisoned tree so the entire thing should be dismissed… or something.

Maybe we need to ask Ukraine to investigate why Peter Strozok was removed from his position. It might be tied to Hunter Biden hiding the DNC server in Seth Rich’s pizza shop.

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It’s funny how he doesn’t remember anything. He’s not lying at all.


More like savvy Lawyers.

Trump should be on the one dollar bill.


Yay! Back to the Mueller investigation. How exciting! Let me take a wild guess. The dems will determine the Trump lied and will impeach him for it. You heard it here first folks! :grinning:

If Trump supporters had their way, Trump would be on the one dollar bill, and Washington’s head on Mt. Rushmore would be re-configured for Trump.

Probably, but dems would want to impeach him for it, so it won’t happen.

And if the dems had their way, Karl Marx would have his head on the one dollar bill and Rushmore. Right? This is fun. Your turn. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Dems are looking into potential violations of the constitution.