House GOP members seek to expel Gaetz amid renewed threat to vacate House Speaker McCarthy

Well, this is certainly interesting.


No objection from me if they choose to take the iron boot to his worthless ass. I do know he has made many enemies in the Republican Caucus.


Good kabuki


Republicans in disarray.

I’m here for it.

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The shiny is shiny. :rofl:


Wasn’t he the guy who pulled the fire alarm?


See this is how you build bipartisan cooperation.

Do something that both Republican’s and Democrat’s can support.

Just start with the small things.


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I love the cynicism.

Thank you.

Sometimes through I have to include a disclaimer.


Sarcasm Warning

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Maybe we could see eye to eye on expelling the whole lot of them.


I’m all for flushing the lot and starting from scratch.

Here is an odd way I’d like things to work. We don’t have a term limits problem, we have an incumbency problem. Now bear with me here.

#1 No elected official in the Congress or the President is eligible for election in any other Federal elected position until at least 1 year has passed from the end of their current position or 1 year after leaving their current Federally elected position through retirement, resignation, or expulsion.

#2 No elected official may campaign or raise campaign funds while holding any Federally elected office.
There would be no term limits on Presidents or members of Congress, however no individual may serve consecutive terms in any Federal elected position even if the positions are different.

That means the President and members of Congress must leave the White House and Congress for at least 1 year before they can run for election again.

There would be no “incumbent” advantage as each seat starts with a clean slate.

Maybe if Presidents and members of Congress were more concerned about doing their jobs instead of raising campaign funds on the taxpayers time and running for reelection. Get elected, do your job, leave and run again after a break on your own time.


Nah. Let’s just limit terms and publically fund elections.


Well done list of the Republican Governors and those on the hill who are backing Trump.

Term limits will just speed up the corruption.

Nobody is getting expelled.


If we are going to expel people then lets start with worthless globalist woke libs.

Better yet start with Brandon. Get him and his crooked son far away from the WH.


The corrupt political establishment unitedly working to protect themselves and their corrupt income from insiders who actually work for the nation, the laws of the land and those that elected them.

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Looks like they took the iron boot to McCarthy’s worthless behind. :+1: :grinning:

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Gaetz won’t be far behind.

That remains unknown.

The known is that McCarty got canned. :grinning:

All that has happened is ending any slight chance for Republicans to do anything in this country.

The 8 maga worms certainly aren’t capable of actually accomplishing anything, other than ■■■■■■■ things up.

Predictions from libs/rinos aren’t worth much.

Have a nice day.

I am. :rofl: