House Democrats to propose universal background checks for gun sales

Unless you were on the right side. Much like today.

And the fine was less than $10 and your gun back.

Just guns. There us no such thing as “gun violence”, just violence.

The NRA members are overwhelmingly law abiding good people. And a majority of them favor universal background checks.

The NRA organization (not the members) is a lobby for gun manufacturers and possibly was a conduit for illegal Russian campaign contributions during 2016. I always keep the lobbyists in Washington distinct from the membership in my mind.

My opinion: lobbyists don’t deserve to be commended but i acknowledge your right to comment lobbyists.

The NRA members are overwhelmingly law abiding good people. And a majority of them favor universal background checks.

The NRA organization (not the members) is a lobby for gun manufacturers and possibly was a conduit for illegal Russian campaign contributions during 2016. I always keep the lobbyists in Washington distinct from the membership in my mind.

No we don’t.

Maybe the republicans can trade universal backround checks for a border wall?


Or a shotgun and a rifle

If theres on thing that gets the rightwing base riled up more than Mexico, its guns. Ain’t happening

Really? What is your proof of this or are you just guessing?

I think you are really saying no deal is possible. Any compromise with Democrats riles up Trump’s base and so is unacceptable.

You may agree with that, but if you believe that democracy requires balancing the interests of various groups, then what deal would you propose?

Yes there is.

Talking to them. I support the second and I own guns. I’ve been to a few gun shows, there is one a mile from my house several times a year in fact, I might go to one in a couple of weeks to look at tactical shotguns.

A guy might sell a dozen guns privately at a show. It’s not illegal of course, but how many shows a year might he do that? There comes a point where he is a dealer and not a private seller. and it’s easy to just buy one and walk away with no record of the transaction and no background check.

Also, I’m asking questions here about the practicality of some of the solutions proposed by the left and middle.

We already compromised. And got nothing in return.

Why would a Class III dealer risk his license?

They certainly don’t do it here.

What compromise was that? Please explain

  1. National Firearms Act -1934
  2. Federal Firearms Act of 1938
  3. Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968
  4. Gun Control Act of 1968
  5. Undetectable Firearms Act of 1988
  6. Gun-Free School Zones Act of 1990
  7. Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act 1993
  8. Federal Assault Weapons Ban 1994-2004
  9. Law Enforcement Officers Safety Act 2004

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

That’s not what a compromise is

No? What is a compromise then?

Where both parties get something