HOLLYWOOD MELTDOWN: Rob Reiner Launches Incoherent, Anti-Trump TIRADE on Twitter

Originally published at: HOLLYWOOD MELTDOWN: Rob Reiner Launches Incoherent, Anti-Trump TIRADE on Twitter | Sean Hannity

Anti-Trump Director Rob Reiner took his all-out war against President Trump to the next level Tuesday; launching an incoherent tirade on social media that trashed the Commander-in-Chief as a “mentally unstable, corrupt criminal.”

Reiner posted his vicious rant on Twitter Tuesday morning, writing “Hypocritical. Incompetent. Corrupt. Ignorant. Criminal. Mentally unstable. Racist. Misogynistic. Self aggrandizing. Self dealing. Disrespects allies. Embraces dictators. And all wrapped up in a constant stream of lies. Ladies and gentleman, the President of the United States.”

The Hollywood comedian is no stranger to controversy regarding President Trump; making national headlines months ago when he compared his struggle against the White House with the American Civil War.

Our President just publicly excused the murder of a Washington Post journalist and American resident, but let’s make sure to deal with the real issues of the day…an actor’s opinion about him.

Like screaming into the void.