Hey libs. Do you want to cure cancer or not?

This is based on a false premise.

“There should be a certain percentage of students at each school who are identified as gifted,

You cannot set quotas for gifted students. The idea is totally absurd.

Poor parents are probably not as smart as rich parents. Which is the primary reason they are poor. Smart parents, generally have smarter kids. Setting quotas won’t change that.

Good post.

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You think people are poor because they are less intelligent than wealthy people? That’s pretty ■■■■■■ up.

this is statistically false.

I just don’t want AP classes to be the new way we divide classes of people. If a student wants to take an AP class they should be able to do so, their parents pay taxes too.

You mean tesla that are banned from being sold on dozen of states

Call it ■■■■■■ up of you choose. I don’t care. But the IQ of people in rich areas is higher than those in poor areas. Sorry but smart people earn more money than people who are not as smart. They are paid more, because of their fer-tile brains. This should not be a tough concept to grasp.

This is as common sense as any concept can be.

Intelligence isnt genetic.

Neither mentions tutors.

I have no disagreements with the fact (yes fact) that gifted students are more likely to come from higher-income families.

I highlighted the claim about tutors in my reply. That’s what I took issue with.

Successful parents are more likely to value academic success for their kids as a means for them to obtain success as well. and they’re more likely to instill that value in their kids.

aka wealthy people can better afford education for their children.
they don’t have to settle for a poor performing public school.

Believe what you choose. Smart people are richer than poor people. Smart people figure out a way to succeed. As did Justice Clarence Thomas and Ben Carson. Smart people figure it out.

Why should society in general have to settle for poor performing public schools?

Because the dems want the teacher’s union votes.

OK, but that’s the point of the thread. A school district is going to phase out a gifted track that such kids benefit from today.

The statistical fact that lower income kids are less represented in that program is not a reason to eliminate such a program.

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Smart people are richer than poor people. Smart people figure out a way to succeed. As did Justice Clarence Thomas and Ben Carson. Smart people figure it out.

because rich people have better access to education.

And rich people are smarter than average. How do you explain these two?

As did Justice Clarence Thomas and Ben Carson. Smart people figure it out.

Good thing that isn’t the reason according to the school.

You don’t need to be smart to become wealthy.
the person who clean the toilet at my job makes 54$ an hour.

You don’t need to be wealthy to become smart.
there are people working dead end jobs with master degrees.

that is completely not true.

I amended my smart ass tutor remark.