Hey Joe. Here are thousands of more people who are not black

Black support for Trump is up 60% and if he gets twice the support in votes then he got in 2016 it’s over for the plantation Democrat masters. Now I think that’s pretty cool! :grinning:

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They aren’t Black. :wink:

Is there anyone on this forum who doesn’t believe that black republicans exist?

Identity politics?

I did actually see a statistic where black support for Trump was up substantially. Problem was same article saw white support for Trump dropping and overall the numbers were not favorable to his chances of getting re-elected.

The polls appear to be more than 4.

I love them! They’re right about BLM.

What reforms in policing in particular have they initiated? What positive changes have come about because of them?

I can’t think of any offhand. It’s a white dominated movement bent on destruction, using even the lives of black suspects as a smokescreen.

Those aren’t black people. Biden told us so.

Hey pre George Floyd talking points. This should work.

Of course grifters exist among black Americans. These appear to be the male version of Cubic Zirconia and Satin.

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It should as well as cement that and others who are over the exploitation of Floyd.

Trump’s gonna be lucky to get four percent of the black vote this time.

Here’s another black man who can think for himself and has not one kind word to say about BLM:

African immigrants are also a part of U S society. Has anyone known them to come out in support of this nihilistic organization?

There may be more black conservatives than some think.

…cuz voting for the same thing over and over but expecting different results is…insane?

I do enjoy posts from white people here not so subtly saying that all African Americans are brainwashed and can’t think for themselves because of Democrat something or other…but here are the good ones. The ones who support Trump are the good ones and are actually thinking. It’s pretty bad. It’s not even subtle with the “plantation” and “master” language.