Hey Fox News. The Democrat Leadership does not want to end capitalism in the U.S

You bitch and moan about an unwillingness to discuss and have a mature dialog and then ignore the majority of my response. Well done, sir.

Yet another deflection and obfuscation. :roll_eyes:

lol, I broke your dialog tree

Oh, to the contrary my friend. I gave a solution! You ignore the solution and continue with deflections and obfuscations. :roll_eyes:

I’m sorry if I forgot about it. Do you recall where it was?

I posted the solution [on how to end taxing a working person’s property] many, many times. The most recent being:



Any idea how much money that would bring in a year? Do you think the rich might be able to find a way around it?

Are you suggesting we have forced labor that only the rich can get out of?

If a luxury tax leads to less luxury items being bought, then it seems unlikely such a tax could sustain our currently spending. Are you proposing cutting things too?

I see you have overlooked Hamilton’s answer to your question. Read his answer and then get back to me.

I thought we were trying to find a way to avoid oppressing the poor with a notoriously evil direct tax which confiscates the property working people have earned by the sweat of their labor.


You bet Joe Biden will win. Every rat will find their wat to the voting booth to get their piece of “free government cheese”.

Hamilton knew what you were proposing to cut in 2020?

What are you talking about? That’s why we have a progressive income tax.

Obama didn’t run on Obama care. So you can’t believe a word dems say when running.

Suddenly school shootings will start up again and they will all say “this can’t go on” and take away your rights.


What was the healthcare plan that Obama ran on if not Obamacare?

He ran on a healthcare plan which allowed people to keep their existing healthcare plan and doctor.



Do you really have that short of a memory, fallenturtle?



“From each according to their ability to pay, to each who needs help living a decent life.” ___ fallenturtle

I guess I missed the memo that declared that the proto-healthcare plan that Obama ran on can’t be referred to as Obamacare because its not exactly the same as what was passed. In fact, he also ran on a public option and making the mandate only apply to children so its kind of ironic that what we call Obamacare is actually less of what Obama wanted than what he campaigned on.

"I contend Fox News personalities are not accurate " -johnwk2

What I actually stated was:

I contend Fox News personalities are not accurate when they say Democrat Leaders want to end capitalism in the United States and refer to our system as “capitalism”. .


Now, what does that have to do with your question? “What was the healthcare plan that Obama ran on if not Obamacare?” A question which I answered as follows:

He ran on a healthcare plan which allowed people to keep their existing healthcare plan and doctor.

Do you really have that short of a memory, fallenturtle?


And I responded. That’s the post you got upset with the quote on.

Do you really have that short of a memory, johnwk2?

Unlike you, I remember the healthcare plan that Obama ran on which he repeatedly told the people would allow them to keep their existing health care plans and doctors.


The socialist controlled Democrat Party Leadership is known for accusing others of what they themselves are guilty of.

Why are you repeating yourself? Did I claim he didn’t say that?


The Democratic Party leadership is mostly made up of mixed economy liberals. Using both italics and bold is redundant. Bacon is tasty.



The only difference between a thief and a socialist and democrat voters is, socialists and democrat voters use government force to steal their neighbor’s property for their personal economic needs. A thief has the you-know-what-ski to do his/her own stealing.


Is your memory failing you again? I posted nothing about “Biden/Burisma” in this thread. What I did post in this thread and you just responded to as “pulled … out of thin air” was about Obanacare and how Obama repeatedly told the people would allow them to keep their existing health care plans and doctors.