Hey Democrats, Fighting Fair Is for Suckers

This is also the reason why I say libs must never…and I mean never again regain power.

They will do everything they can to punishes Trump supporters.

Absolutely. That’s a good example.

I expect (or did expect) Republicans to act like adults.

Now that they have devolved to the level they have, I have no such expectations.

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You can’t retract a deliberate lie. When you’re a professional organization, you should be punished for it.

you were failing. You let Obama get elected.

That was your only job… keep leftists out if the white house. And if you had your way, we would have all watched Clinton chew up and spit out whatever milquetoast Republican candidate you preferred.

You should read Brutus #1.

So you’re only blaming Trump for…

What you expect is repugs to play by the rule you set for em.

Meanwhile those same rule don’t apply to your kin.

Trust me - if Trump could beat Hillary, then any other one of the Republican candidates could have defeated Hillary. She was just that bad a candidate.

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Comprised of a city.

Take Pa, Mich and Wis out of win column.

How would they have won?

States (which have geographic boundaries so, land) in the Senate. People in the House. Did you not know this?

We don’t make states out of ant hills either.

that logic works with this:

If they couldn’t beat a newcomer to the field, someone with no political network, no establishment political operatives , and no coherent campaign strategy … how the hell would they have beat the Clinton machine?

I lost that hope long ago.

I have. Along with all of the Anti-Federalist papers.



I’ve already explained. If you don’t want to have an honest conversation, then why reply to me?

You should read it again. Madison was dreaming.

I don’t disagree. So what is the solution today?