Herschel Walker for Georgia senate seat

According to RCP, Warnock has about a 1.5% polling lead over Walker. This … makes no sense.

Not a good time to be a Democrat

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Is that a good thing?

I don’t really know, TBH.

If you look at the polls that were sampled, they are all over the place. And from what I can see the sampled polls were mostly done in early 2022. So things might settle down in a couple of weeks.

I don’t feel bad for me when I fill up my tank, I feel bad for those who are less fortunate than me.

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I get 20 mpg city and 24 highway in my F150.

It’s easy on the gas.

This is all very, very funny. Does the Trump thing mean you guys don’t do oppo research on your own candidates anymore? So you know the bad stuff in advance?

The Trump thing means there is no bar low enough for their candidates. Mediocrity is the norm.

More like the high end.


i know it is still early but its looking good for the home team.

latest poll shows warnock up by 9.


I don’t think polls this far out have much meaning, but if I had to pick a poll to believe, it would be this one. Walker is a disaster

This reminds me of some of my learning disabled students who have difficulty solving math word problems. Walker obviously didn’t know whether to add or subtract that one state.


“They continue to try to fool you that they are helping you out, but they’re not, because a lot of money it’s going to trees," Walker said. "Don’t we have enough trees around here?”

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Oh good lord! I actually feel embarrassed for him.


It astounds me that they concluded Walker was the man for The Senate. 1.8 million dudes in Georgia, and he’s the one?!

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He fits the suit


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And the thing is - he wasn’t even living in GA when he announced. He was living in Texas.

Not sure if he’s moved back to GA yet - I suspect he will likely have to maintain a residence in GA if he’s elected.

Holy crap. No wonder The Turtle is so bummed

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