Herschel Walker for Georgia senate seat

That’s amazing.

Thank you conservatives for nominating a guy who’s so ■■■■■■■ crazy and incompetent that he’s only half a point over Warnock when literally any sane Republican would be up five points already.

51 - 41 = 10, not 0.5.

Just one poll though and long way to go, especially with Herschel consistently making idiotic statements like above.

That poll is an outlier.

RCP has Warnock up 0.5


That said… polling has been broken for a while now.

You do know Herschel Walker is a Georgia state treasure, right? Born IN GEORGIA, right?

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I’ll give him one thing, professional athlete or not, dude looks phenomenal for his age

Herschel Walker at 60:


Antoine Walker at 45:



You can’t see CTE from the outside.

It’s ok. I have it on good authority that Joe Biden stutters. Walker wants to create a department that monitors social media.

Or from the internet, doctor.

Considering his years playing football, and the answers he’s provided to questions in the past 24 hours, it should be considered a possibility. I don’t wish that on anyone, but outward appearances of good health don’t always equate to good brain health.

Maybe explains this

pelosi hands


Latest RCP average is so close within the margin of error it might as well be the same.

It just gets funnier every time.

She did it!


They are not “liberals” or “progressives”. They are Authoritarian Revolutionaries, the very kind who took over Cuba and now rule over the people with an iron fist.

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Walker claims that he was once law enforcement.

He wasn’t.


Jebus, what is in the water.

I will say a case of stolen valor, but under the two laws cited in the article, I don’t see them as applying.

Walker isn’t holding himself out as a current federal agent or law enforcement officer which is the tone of the laws mentioned. He says he was one in the past.

Still lying about being law enforcement seems to put him in the whack-a-doodle column.


I agree. I don’t see this as any legal exposure… but it should count toward his character.

It won’t though.

Herschel Walker apparently has a secret son that he does not see