Have you thanked President Trump today?

Today our president complained that no one thanked him for allowing John McCain to have the funeral ceremony that he did. I see tv commercials from whatever political organization saying to call Trump and tell him thank you for various things, i believe those numbers lead to places to donate money. So what have you done today to thank the president for doing such a good job and being such a great honorable man? For me, i hope this thread suffices as an official thank you in that I’m setting up a place for other Hannity members to thank and praise the president. Thank you Mr. President. Thank you for letting McCain, a man you hate, a man who got caught in war, a man who gave thumbs down to great health care that you in no way have no idea what the bill did, still have a funeral.


I’m not sure how the United States has previously existed without Donald Trump around. We’re just that lucky, I guess…


That there are so many people in this country who not only can stomach this man, but actually like him, shows how truly ■■■■■■ up this world is.


It is going to take much more than a generation to undo the damage caused by this lowlife bastard in the White House.

He is a disgrace to this country.

It sickens me to think that he will someday get a Presidential funeral that is typically reserved for men of honor. He deserves to instead be put out with the trash.


He is absolutely the smallest, most insecure, narcissistic piece of human garbage to have ever been elected to public office. Ever. An absolute cancer of a man. Disgusting.


I thank Donald every day for being a roll model to fat orange people with fake hair.


I have sent him exactly the amount of money I think the job he’s doing is worth.


What scares me is we’re not even at the bottom. He’s going to ruin whatever is left of decency come the 2020 general and the GOP will remain feckless in getting him to stop.


And now that we’ve gotten his more promising characteristics out of the way …


Well, I tried. I sent him $0.00. I’m hoping I can get some change so that it works out to what he is actually worth…

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This thread is certainly taking a turn for the worst. I will try to get it back on track.

Thank you President Trump for putting jealous loser husbands in their place on twitter. Things are getting really out of hand there with the questioning of your mental state and honesty.


Yeah, I was hoping I could bill him.

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The GOP is destroyed.

It will never have any credibility again after all this. The only way they can win anything from here on is to cheat.

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I especially thank the ranks of GOP elected officials who sit around like moldy rotten unwashed dishrags and let trump be trump, instead of pretending they have “morals”, or “class”, or “decency”, or “the high ground”.


In their defense, if they spent all their time reading and responding to Trump’s tweets and words and actions they’d never have time to

What’s pathetic is they’ll all jump right back on their moral high horse 30 seconds after the American people dispose of Trump. It’ll be as if none of this ever happened. That’s how stupid they think the American people are (and they’ll probably be right)


I’m thankful to Trump that his ascendance has demonstrated that so many who were “conservatives” had less interest in pushing conservative values than in getting a win for their “team,” even if it meant sacrificing their core values and principles.


I’m not so sure. I think he’ll be convicted after he is thrown out in 2020. Then he’ll be the second one after Nixon to not lie in State.

Even if he does get the big funeral, it will be a huge party day at my house.

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Every day I thank Obese Donald Trump for reminding me just how much I truly miss that dog eating, grey poupon swilling, mom jean wearing, communist, Muslim, Kenyan usurper, Barack Hussein Obama!!!

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Was Nixon given less honor when he died because of the scandal resulting in his resignation? I was still pretty young when that happened.