Has anyone noticed that farmers and other businesses aren't giving info to the government on illegals?

Fat donald still employs illegal invaders. That should tell everyone where we’re at when it comes to employers being honest.

It was SSAN and a drivers license last time I filled out an I-9.
My point is that employers don’t have any evidence that a new hire IS illegal. Employers know that the new hire didn’t prove their legal status.

Trump supporters don’t care at all over this. They really don’t.
Trump supporters have been told to just scream and yell over evil southern brown people.

Not having an SSN should raise a red flag , no ? Not sure whether or not employers can still a W2 without one.

But I suspect many employers are content to turn a blind eye to such things especially considering that sans SSN, they can pay the employees a cheap wage off the books, which is the real reason why they don’t report those.


It’s the job of the govt not business to protect our borders. Don’t blame business for govt failure, especially while supporting open borders…

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I blame businesses that knowingly hire illegal immigrants in breaking the law.

They should be thrown in jail and their property seized.

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It is the responsibility of every business to follow the law. That includes not hiring illegal immigrants

If e-verify was mandatory, then running it and having it fail would be what they would report. Obviously forged green cards could be reported too.

And why isn’t the Trump Administration asking businesses to report illegals that they hire (like Trump companies)?

True, you should ask, but it is not required.

Oh so basically anyone can get one, undocumented or not ?

I guess E-verify would close this loophole

That’s correct… The IRS wants their money no matter what…

Then don’t bitch about illegals.

So businesses can break the law with impunity. Got it.

Fix hiring practices - remove incentive for illegals to come. May work way better (and obviously, cheaper) than any physical barrier.

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I think this is the real reason nothing about immigration got done when the GOP held both houses of Congress and the White House. There is a need for a permanent subset of the population which can be exploited for their labor, we are addicted to it. First slavery, then Convict leasing and sharecropping, then child labor and Asians and now Latin Americans.

It’s simply all talk when it comes to stemming illegals, they want them here, but they don’t want them legalized because then their price tag goes up.

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To be quite honest the majority are working for cash which is an IRS no no.