Hannity Owns Real Estate Empire, Linked to Shell Companies

If he is buying up foreclosed properties, the push for loosen up the lending regulations - Dodds Franks? - starts to make sense.

Good job Sean…

It’s just so funny that he bought some properties with the help of a federal loan guarantee program under the Obama administration’s HUD.

Isn’t HUD one of the departments ‘conservatives’ always threaten to shut down?

Here’s a question about Sean’s response:

He said he ‘do(es) not individually select, control, or know the details about’ the investments. But then how does he know he is ‘putting my money to work in communities that otherwise struggle to receive such support.’?

One article I read yesterday criticized Mr. Hannity’s criticism of various welfare recipients on his television show and linked this to his own access to programs to purchase these properties.

I don’t have an opinion about that, and others have pointed out that use of shell companies by the wealthy to purchase properties is nothing new. Neither are various state programs to help middle and lower income people to make down payments or purchase their first homes. Can someone who takes advantage of one of these not criticize those on assistance continuing to have kids? Or scamming the system?

Not much of a tv person, I don’t catch the show. One remark allegedly made by Mr. Hannity had to do with ex POTUS Obama creating an “entitlement culture”. If he did make that remark, I can’t agree.

Not an Obama fan ,but I won’t chastise him for something he didn’t do. Various welfare programs have been around since Lyndon Johnson’s “Great Society” effort that was supposed to eradicate poverty.

Seems the shell company Hannity used bought properties through David Brock, who was convicted in 2016 of bank fraud and conspiracy for his involvement in rigging foreclosure auctions. The company bought them through Brock during the time period he was involved with rigging of auctions.