Speaking during his opening monologue on ‘Hannity’ Tuesday night, Sean weighed-in on the ongoing sexual misconduct allegations against Judge Brett Kavanaugh; saying there are many on the left who are putting politics above core American principles.
“There are few core principles that we should all agree on that separates this country from a Banana Republic or a despotic regime: Fair elections, separation of powers, our Constitution,” said Sean.
“An impartial system of justice that means every person is innocent until they are proven guilty. Sadly, there are many on the left who are putting politics above what is a core foundational principle,” he added.
I guess I could post how absolutely absurd it is for any Trump supporter to sadly opining about the fate of core American values, especially being “innocent until proven guilty”.
Is running the government trillions of dollars in debt a core American value now? How about the runaway spending that causes said debt? How about attacking the idea of a free press? What about saddling private businesses with high taxation via tariffs? Are free markets no longer a core American value?
Lecturing the Left on some alleged lack of American principles in this Kavanaugh confirmation process?
What total hypocrisy is in that exhibition of a total lack of American fair play principle by DENYING GIVING PRESIDENT OBAMA’S SUPREME COURT NOMINEE A HEARING, leaving the seat empty for a year. While now trying to rush through Kavanaugh’s vote before the midterm and the current Congressional session is out.
As if not getting him seated NOW NOW NOW will invoke some unrecoverable Supreme Court Disaster for America.
Many Republicans must really believe their own biased blathering about how ignorant the Left is to think most of us, as well as many Independents don’t see right through it.
My GOD, I can hardly believe the shear wanton hypocritical audacity of that whole ludicrous argument.
Get real!
If Republicans in D.C., from our President on down, had two scintillas of principle there would have never been hearings being held on another SC Justice nominee in this Congressional term, not after the politically legal, but morally corrupt denial of even allowing a hearing on President Obama’s last SC nominee.
We, without the Trumplican blinders on, that includes many Americans in the middle, can see the inherent dishonesty in this whole confirmation process.
We can’t stop it, or likely can’t, but we can see through it.