HANNITY: Desperate Democrats Try to ‘Educate’ Us on the ‘Virtues’ of Removing President Trump

Originally published at: HANNITY: Desperate Democrats Try to ‘Educate’ Us on the ‘Virtues’ of Removing President Trump | Sean Hannity

Speaking during his opening monologue on ‘Hannity’ Wednesday night, Sean blasted the Democrats’ desperate impeachment hearings; saying far-left lawmakers tried to “educate” Americans on the “virtues” of removing President Trump.

“They are hurting the country; they are ripping this country apart for a cheap political hit-job… Your blood should be boiling. Instead of presenting actual evidence, Democrats thought we -the stupid people of America- need to be educated on the virtues of impeachment,” said Hannity.

“They brought in three, hyper-partisan, Ivory Tower, law school professors to teach us about the Constitution,” he added.

Watch Hannity’s opening monologue above.