HANNITY: Bernie Sanders’ Unearthed 1972 Article is ‘Beyond Gross, Weird, Repulsive’

Originally published at: HANNITY: Bernie Sanders’ Unearthed 1972 Article is ‘Beyond Gross, Weird, Repulsive’ | Sean Hannity

Speaking during his opening monologue on ‘Hannity’ Monday night, Sean slammed Senator Bernie Sanders recently unearthed 1972 article; calling his writings “gross, weird, and repulsive.”

“We’re about to witness what will be a political brawl inside the Democratic Party… It’s only getting started. Bernie Sanders facing new scrutiny over an article he wrote in 1972… It’s beyond creepy, beyond graphic,” said Hannity.

“In a piece entitled ‘Men and Women’ Sanders write about various ‘rape fantasies.’ Move over creepy Joe. It’s beyond gross, weird, repulsive. Frankly, it’s a level that I can’t comprehend,” he added.

Watch Hannity’s opening monologue above.