Half of Republicans say US deficit needs to be dealt with immediately


Oh NOW deficits matter. No one cared when Trump was spending like a drunk sailor his first 2 years in office

Theyā€™re just lying. They always were.


Where the hell are the tea party patriots when you need them?


They will show up sooner or later

Just screech about it being the ā€œroaring 20sā€ and deficits donā€™t matter!

In before ā€œoh now you care about deficitsā€. :zzz:

cut defense by 50%
get rid of trumps tax cuts and institute a 70% estate tax on estates over 25M

as a startā€¦

There is no question that the debt must be dealt with and I also believe that half the politicians said this was so. I also believe that theyā€™ll agree to cut anything and everything that doesnā€™t affect their constituents. This meansā€¦nothing will happen. Itā€™s the same bull feces rhetoric Iā€™ve heard from Washington my whole life.

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Iā€™ve been preaching blanaced budget amendment for years. Trump being elected hasnā€™t stopped me from preaching it.

How about this:

means test social security
Eliminate ALL tax refunds above and beyond what a person pays in tax.
Cut foriegn aid
Make BRACA commission to analyze federal employeeā€™s and buildings. Consolidate offices and eliminate buildings and employeeā€™s not needed.
Eliminate orphaned pork projects.

There is a start :smiley:

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Means test is one way to go, another is to make ALL income subject to FICA, not only the first 132,900. Putting a cap on FICA earnings is simply another gift for the uber wealthy. I pay something like 7% while a gazzillionaire pays a micro fraction of that.

Republicans sold their soul to Trump.

No one should take what they say seriously.

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A wise man once said:

Nobody is a fiscal conservative anymore. All this talk about concern for the deficit and the budget has been bogus for as long as itā€™s been around.

That man ā€¦ Rush Limbaugh.


Rush told them all this hupla about deficits seems to be wrong.

Seriously. that happened.

Oh stop! You r supporting the biggesting deficit spender in modern history.


That is to be respected. Iā€™m also concerned with our debt, and have been since the early 80s, but I think we both believe in exceedingly different means for the same end.

trump won over vast numbers of the Tea Party members, so why arenā€™t they being more vocal? Thatā€™s not a snarky question, I ask because they are a large part of his base, correct? If they spoke up, Iā€™m positive it would influence what trump does. I know Iā€™d welcome the influence of the Tea Party right now. (That last line was hard to type, but itā€™s true.)

As I have said many, many, MANY times in the past.

The ONLY way EITHER side is going to no have deficit spending is a balanced budget amendment.

Never been a tea party member. We had a lady who lived here claiming she was the original founder of the Tea Party. She was beyond crazy.

Itā€™s the age old problem: As long as the deficit is for what you believe in . . . itā€™s not a problem. Whatever party is in power that happens.

Then itā€™s obviously not a big problem for the vast majority of Americans. If it is, then there is no possible way of uniting ā€˜ā€œusā€ against where the fault lies, our Representatives.

Thatā€™s the problem, you are all talk.