Half naked lunatic breaks into house

The headline makes the crime sound bad, but the first line of the story: “A Florida man is accused of breaking into a home where he was found plantless and holding a carpet cleaner, though he claims not to remember because he was on methamphetamine.” makes it sound as if your usual burglar is accompanied by foliage…

“A Florida man” kind of explains itself.


I feel for the guy, being left without any good flora.

“Florida man” is literally all the article needed to say.


Based on Biden’s excuse for Hunter not paying taxes, as long as he was high on drugs, what he did was ok.


Dude is lucky he wasn’t shot. A carpet cleaner to Floridians can be seen as a deadly weapon.

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It is getting harder and harder to do decent satire these days, what with society being a fast moving target…


Carpet in Florida especially south Florida? When we bought our house here in Palm Beach there was W/W carpet in three bedrooms. Tore that ■■■■ out and got the tile guys in. We have a couple area rugs around. ■■■■■■■ carpet gets damp and breeds mold and bugs, it stinks and looks like ■■■■■

Yeah way too much humidity in this part of the world for carpet.