Guns and Pandemics

Insulting and foolish at the same time. Well done, Samm, you confirmed his point perfectly.


This will come as a surprise to the many self-proclaimed conservatives who don’t own a gun.

Actually I know he is. And yes you can be a liberal and extremely conservative. It’s misconception that libs push.

I believe in preserving the intention, ideas and documents that this country was founded on.

Libs don’t.



I caught that too.

What a nice thing to say. Thank you.

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Yes, they describe themselves as conservatives. Would you prefer me calling them conservatives?

Yes, we all understand you conservatives think you are classic liberals. Except when it comes to abortion, gay rights, homosexual marriage… :laughing:


You missed on all three of your shots.


No fantasy. All of us who wanted to be already were, those who were not already so inclined aren’t likely to have changed their minds over this outbreak.

People make a lot of claims that don’t stand up to facts even about how they see themselves.

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So you are for abortion rights? You are for gay rights? You are for gay marriage? You oppose Trump’s tariffs? You support separation of church and state?

Sure. But to think that all true conservatives own guns is ludricous.

Strange as it sounds you are correct, the most “conservative” among us also tend to be the true liberals at heart.

That’s just how the world has turned in the last forty years or so.


There’s a huge hole in your logic.

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I don’t think you understand what it means to be liberal…what I see is someone that has all lib talking points down pat.


Don’t call him a cowboy 'til you’ve seen him ride.

I’ll give you an example; anybody from NYC that claims to be conservative ain’t.


A classic liberal believes in civil freedoms. That would include abortion, gay marriage and gay rights.

You’re really wallowing in the No True Scotsman fallacy.

Civil liberties, not freedoms.

A classic liberal believes in “gay” rights? “Gay” marriage?