Guess he has just given up with the whole Mexico will pay for the the shtick

Hey, here’s an idea - why don’t we put more money into enforcement of current laws like ensuring companies comply with e-verify and not hire illegal immigrants. If we fine companies that break said laws, that would actually bring cash into the government.

Oh, wait - that might offend all of Trump’s billionaire buddies who are running big corporations. Never mind…


So why not just say that?

…cuz then you’d have to trust lying politicians…which “we” already did in 1986 and here “we” still are with the same problem. What if libs were in the WH…do you think for a second we’d be having this discussion?

Let’s build the wall plus enforce the laws.

That’s just it - a wall isn’t going to do anything to uphold our existing laws that the existing laws don’t already do. All you have to do is get to the coast, find a boat, raft, anything that floats really - and sail from a beach in Mexico to a beach in the US. That wall is basically useless now.

Hell, build a 6 foot wall, and I’ll find an 8 foot ladder. Build a 10 foot wall and I’ll find a 12 foot ladder. Well, you get the idea.

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I only trust people with at least two forks.

Trump is a liar. And cheater.

Yep…that’s all you have to do. Somehow, I conclude this task you specified will be difficult for children and women…especially pregnant ones. The wall will be a significant improvement in border security and the border agents concur.

Tea Partiers. Fiscal Conservative. Religious Right.

They’re most all liars. They just care about one thing.

Would you put as much credence in a survey conducted by another law enforcement agency - say the FBI?

Would I place as much confidence in advice about a heart operation speaking to a cardiologist or an MD?

Oh, yeah!?

You have to give Donald Trump credit for sensing what to chant at rallies to get what he wants. I think that comes naturally to him. Most all con men know how to work their marks.


Absolutely. As conmen they know their marks. The shocking part is just how many marks there are in the US though.

I guess 45 finally heard former Mexican president, Vicente Fox message loud and clear, almost 2 years later…“Mexico is not going to pay for that ■■■■■■■ wall”. LOL!

There isn’t going to be a wall. I’m all for border security, but we need more than just a physical wall. This is not only non-cost effective, but lacks the feasibility to be a viable option.

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Your theory of what Trump really meant is real nice. Here’s another one for you - it will pay for itself in the hearts of all Americans, as they gaze upon its magnificent splendor. One American’s swelled heart alone will pay for that wall.


They would roughly have the equal quality in advise actually. See, Cardiologists do not perform heart operations, that is what Cardiothorasic surgeons do. Unless you count minimally invasive stuff like Catheterizations, but thats really not surgical.

And here’s the thing, a General Practitioner cares for the patient long term after surgery, not the surgeon. So they would have a very good idea about the long term benefits and risks of surgery that the surgeon may not admit to. Plus they know the patient better, so if they have a lot of co-morbidities surgery may not be the best option.

What I mean by all of this is that perspective can be different depending on where it is coming from, what angle is being used. And the FBI certainly has a viable and important perspective on immigration. As viable as ICE or local law enforcement.


The new Nafta deal would pay for it… He never said they’d write a check…

Then why is fat donald complaining to congress?

Just as the FBI’s perspective is valuable, so is that of the MD. In this area of specialties, it’s the Cardiologist that works with the surgeon because it’s a matter of the heart. The discussion was regarding “border security” and the border agents specialize in this area making their opinion more valuable IMO.

Who’s fat donald?

Lol that’s not going to pay for anything. Where did you get that idea? Lol if Fat Donald said that and you fell for it.