Green New deal will force Americans to drink plant based beer


I don’t know, ask the authors of the green new deal.

I’m just pointing out that nobody is saying “stop eating meat.”

“Stop eating that much meat” is pretty close. But you can split hairs.

I wonder who that is…

Oh… the thing that you can still totally get in NYC no matter what people like Kudlow will tell you.

Yeah, not working is not not trying.

You keep telling people the slope doesn’t exist while pushing them ever closer to it. Cool trick.

It isn’t even the authors of the Green New Deal that Kudlow is talking about. It is a study that shows that reduction in meat consumption will lead to a lower carbon footprint which has been known for quite a long time now.

I know… that scary slope.

First they came for my burger and I did not speak up…

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No, what he is talking about is the only way to meet Biden’s lofty reduction goal. Can’t be done without meat consumption being reduced drastically.

Or with it.

That is not what he said. He just said you can throw back a plant based beer when every beer in the world is made of plants. And it’s clearly supposed to be a sick burn.

It’s the “only” way?

That is what the report says?

It’s not even “a way”.

They then came for the memes and I did nothing for I do not meme.

Don’t know what to tell you, seems to be a reading comprehension issue. What he clearly said was, you will be permitted to have beer because it is plant based. Not that he just discovered beer was plant based or that non plant based beer exists.


“Can’t meme”

You aren’t fooling anyone with incrementalism anymore. You (c) lost your (c) trust privileges.


Why would I want to meme?

Taking the use of someone else’s imagery and words and claiming it as my own?

That is what “conservative” arguments have been reduced to.
