Great Salt Lake becoming the Great Toxic Dustbowl

Utah does not get fresh water from the Great Salt Lake. Hint. It’s in the name.

Other than your opinion, what do you have to back that up?

Pave it. Problem solved.

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Because the whole state is in drought. All that money and effort would put water in at the end, where it can’t even be used. It would need to go into the watershed, and use the normal channels to fill the lake.

Next, what happens when the lake is filled? This enormous, multi-billion piece of infrastucture sits idle. Remember, the lake is not fit for fresh water storage

Not really. The west was drier (in spite of its greater precipitation) than the interior of Alaska before white men ever laid eyes on the place.

That’s a different point.

They should have done it decades ago … when it was much cheaper.

I would say the folly was trying to turn a desert into farmland. There just isn’t enough fresh water to provide for population, industry and ag.

You are conflating the problem of the shrinking lake with the problem of not enough fresh water. The two are not related except in that filling the lake with sea water would allow more water to be taken from streams that currently empty into the lake, and that increasing the area of the lake would increase evaporation which could be extracted for human use.

Folly? People have to eat.

Sure…there’s other places to farm.

You were making a city to city comparison.

The metro area population of Salt Lake City is1,257,936; metro Fairbanks is 100,605. Of course the population difference is a factor.

They are being farmed.

You are wrong. The respective populations have virtually nothing to do with it. As I said, that situation existed long before either area was populated.


Point being is that we have pretended that we can beat nature in a number of spots in this country, effectively overpopulating landscapes that don’t provide enough water for long term sustainability. The entire West is facing the limits of nature.

So what are you proposing? That Utah should be vacated?

Honestly my guess is that the Federal government (we the taxpayer) will have to face the cost of something like a Pacific Ocean to Utah pipeline in order to stave off a disaster of immense proportions like that.

So then, the cost will not be prohibitive.

Remind me, how much money have we sent to Ukraine so far?


Well…sure. With deficit spending everything is possible…:grinning:

The motto of the DMC. :+1:

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