Great economy under Trump? the facts about car payments deliquencies in America (2-12-2019)

And public transportation.

His plan does cover everyone. Now everyone has the option to not carry insurance.

For those insured, it’s still pretty much Obamacare.

Because the Tide Pod generation is done eating soap and snorting condoms, and is now old enough to sign contracts.

I’m going to guess a lot of those hard core Trump supporters (that 35%) went out and bought new cars when they heard how much winning they would be doing. Unfortunately winning doesn’t always translate to dollars.

That is some seriously tasty snark, right there!

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You may have been but yesterdays talking point was ‘no “direct” evidence’. Which if you believe Burr means they found no direct evidence.

Bet Burr can’t say that sentence without the word ‘direct’.

Well, when you say student loans it’s hard to blame, or even include republicans.