Grand Jury Chooses to Indict Trump

So you have Ron DeSantis, with a Law Degree from Harvard making a judgement on a extradition where he does not know what the charge(s) is.

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Sounds like you don’t think Trump should be indicted. Am I right?

Let’s see the charges

Oh wow critprogs hearts are all aflutter. Their mean nasty monster trump has hurt their fee fees once too many times.


34 of them apparently.

Still sealed though is my understanding

I’m saying, y’all are setting the bar. Be careful what you wish for when it comes to that. You won’t be able to cry persecution if the exact same standard is applied for all.

Do what you want with Trump I don’t care, but don’t stand on your ivory tower thinking it will not fall.


Yes the charges should become publicly available very soon. It sounds like Trump and his attorneys have already negotiated a time for Trump to fly to New York to be arraigned.

From the NY Post

Stupid comment.

Y’all literally elected him to hurt our fee fees.

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34?! Curiouser and curiouser.

Probably just an accounting of individual documents that are fraudulent- my guess is it boils down to business fraud and campaign finance violations- the same thing that Cohen went away for. But who knows?

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Yes. And it was historic and unprecedented when he was the first President to be impeached…twice. And historic and unprecedented when he was found not guilty…twice.
Actually, Democrats trying to criminalize politics is becoming rather routine.


they are at heart the quintessential authoritarians.

I’d like to make one comment…

This is a terrible day for America.

The leftists who’ve been running around screaming about "We have to defend our Democracy (it’s a Republic, idiots) are tonight the people at the heart of coming closer than we have been in our lifetimes to seeing that grand Republic destroyed.

This is a political prosecution…I remember years ago Rush used to speculate on Liberals hoping to literally criminalize opposition. Rush was right.

This is bigger than the former President. The political left in the last few years has thrown the idea of equal justice under the law to the hogs…If you’re a father of 7 praying in front of an abortion clinic, or a concerned parent confronting your school board about what your kids are being taught, if you are a person who dares to question the established narrative about the origins of Covid, or now a former president who can be prosecuted by an out of control prosecutor who’s overseen a crime wave in his community while decriminalizing significant felonies but who chose to take on a case twice turned down including by his office sometime prior to Mr. Trump’s announcement that he will run…If you check any of those boxes or so many others…

You can now be prosecuted by permanent Washington especially under the leadership of the corrupt bought and paid for Chinese Stooge Joe Biden…

If they can do this to the people I just mentioned, from a simple man praying in front of an abortion clinic to a former president, they can do it to you.

If you disagree, fine it’s a free country. I have the freedom to believe you are so stupid and short sighted than I’m not genuinely interested. In my opinion if you are applauding the events of today you have no interest in preserving the freedom that makes America special, instead choosing a short sighted stupid case of Trump Derangement Syndrome as your guiding light. I would like to feel sorry for those who are applauding this chapter in our history.

Americans from the political class to those of us Joe and Jill SixPacks who might choose to become politically active just became the targets of political prosecution.

The left is actively turning this grand experiment in Democracy into a banana republic.

Be careful what you wish for libs…you just saw American being dragged very close to putting all of us in the political crosshairs.


It’s politics to pay off a porn star and lie about it on business records?

Can y’all just admit you are ok with a two tier justice system if it involves Trump?


Amen - This ■■■■■■■■ is way bigger than the former president. I’m out y’all have a good night and please pray for our country…The liberal left seems to be out to do irreparable harm to our nation.

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no it was stupid ans serves to show what a ■■■■■■ lawyer he is. He plead guil;ty to something that up until he did was never a crime

My, oh my!!

The MAGA’s are all frothy tonight.