Government interference in private business

Their say is to also collectively say we won’t work unless these certain conditions are met. The owner and them can then negotiate. They are equals.

But yet it needs congressional approval to be done.

its not done until it is in effect,

Negotiations are only part of the entire process. But you already know that. Right?


The same people who are anti American workers complain about illegal immigrants taking American worker’s jobs.

You can’t make this ■■■■ up.


Side splitting.

We finally get a clear example of government overreach trying to control the actions of private companies and not one conservative is able to recognize Trump’s action for what it is.


Central government control of the mean of production. This really is socialism. Where’s the outrage, the fear and the horror.


Only if you imagine an implied threat of some kind. Asking is not dictatorship.
What do you think that threat is? The military?

Agreed. It’s a meaningless statement meant only to convey the impression that he has is “doing something” to his less observant supporters.

I dunno about y’all, but I’m enjoying the show.

Best part is, they think Conservatives are “unable” to defend their positions, instead of simply uninterested in how many times a lib can gnash and cry each day after the Age of Obama came to a rousing conclusion. :wink:

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I did boast about my taxes. :wink:

The two sides are not nearly equal.

No they don’t share in the risk, if I shut down they just MOVE ON DOWN THE ROAD and never look back.

Do they pitch for the fines and rework caused by their mistakes? No.

$200 is not boasting. It’s just me being happy happy.


You know you won’t get an answer from a hit-n-run poster.

Ok? They have different risks than the owner. The owner’s risks aren’t more important or severe than labor’s. Some times, it’s not even the owner’s own capital, but a loan from a bank that can be eliminated through bankruptcy to mitigate the owner’s risk. An owner can move on down the road and never look back as well.

They can get fired and lose their livelihood. And it doesn’t even have to be for cause in many states.

But to reiterate, calling the act of labor organizing extortion is ridiculous. It’s the market in action.

It’s extortion. I’ll hire all those illegals you’re letting in.

Market forces now amount to extortion. Hilarious.

Yes, us long term ATT union employees are extortionists. if so why are we working with a contract right now.

we need to hire better criminals.


Of course…I’m sure that has been your option all along.


Of course it is. There’s 22 million hard working people who just want a better life. And more coming every day. Why wouldn’t I help?

Of course when you are a union employee. you have an absolute right.
