GOP State Rep is leaving Republican Party for the Democratic Party

A conservative with a conscience. Hopefully this will start a trend. #walkaway

McKean says President Trump is setting a bad example for the country and he can’t support him or his party. He says the decision was difficult and he knows it will disappoint many

I guess this isn’t news. Or else the talking points haven’t been established yet.

Maybe this is one of the reasons why fat donald had a Twitter meltdown this morning.

Clearly this guy hates America.

Can the President fire this guy?

This guy was a liberal all along, he just needed to come out of the closet.

40 years a Republican. And it took trump as president for him to see the light.



What the heck does registering as a Republican or a Democrat in the state legislature have to do with Trump? He does realize Trump is in the Federal government and not the state government, doesn’t he? He is not likely to see Trump wandering the halls of the Iowa legislature.
And making a shift like that is not an act of conscience. Whatever the real reason for his shift of party is, an act of conscience would be to resign and run in a special election as a Democrat.

tbf, the republican party today doesn’t look at all like the republican party from years ago. that’s when Reagan was about to take over.

When did libs suddenly become concerned about state legisltors in fly-over states?

Awe. I’m gonna miss him. I wonder which of his conservative values (if he has any) he will be giving up in exchange for liberal values?