GOP senator warns Trump: Putin, Kim 'very cold-blooded, calculating'

Lol it’s so terrible.

Too late Roy.

Fat Donald done drunk the proverbial Kim-Putin Koolaid.

You are awesome.

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Republicans and especially Trumpkins love Putin and Russia now.

It’s mindboggling.

I wonder how they are going to go about thw inevitable flip flop on this once Trump is out of office.

They sure seem to have dug themselves into one humugeous hole with all things Trump.

Thanks sweetie.

Of course they do. Russia helped Trump get elected President. Russia knew that Hillary would have been terrible for the U.S., and therefore Russia had America’s best interests at heart.

As long as Russia and Putin are working to get Republicans elected, we shouldn’t be bothered at all. The real threat is that Democrats wind up in power.

It’s a captain obvious article…lol. Don’t forget you guys think Trump is an international super villain.

It’s like the left can’t make up their mind if Trump is stupid or a evil super genius bent on control of the world. Kind of like an episode of Pinky and the Brain…LMAO!


Leak out his mouth, actually. As a stable genius once said, the brain is attached to the mouth.

That was a great television show. We need a movie adaptation!

Its like Reagan all over again.
When it suits the lefts purpose, he is an evil genius who knows the details of everything the government is doing everywhere.
When it suits their purpose hes a doddering senile old man whos is in way over his depth.

I don’t suspect that many on the left believe Trump is a genius of any stripe, nor in the same area code as genius. Maybe not the same continent.

He’s a two-bit con man who happens to have a genius for finding willing rubes, that I’ll grant.

The left believes he conducted an international conspiracy to steal an election…= Super Genius…

No, we believe Putin (the smart one) conducted it. Trump and company just went along with it because Putin and the Russian oligarchs own Trump.

Follow the money.

The money went to the Clinton foundation. Where do you think Putin’s and Trump’s hide out is?

You think the Russians are a billion times more effective at running campaign ads than Americans?


Yep. I think they were quite effective in their marketing of Trump. The whole Russian govt is one enormous propaganda machine.

They are so good they got you to love Putin and everything he stands for.

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And they are great at it. Putin is owning us like the Warriors owned the Cavs.

Which of their ads or fake news do you think hurt the dems the most?

True, true.

With every idiotic Russian conspiracy thread you guys post.

He’s got you hook, line and sinker.

Practically everything you believe about Hillary came from Russian propaganda being spread on social media. Practically everything you believe about Trump came from Russian propaganda via Cambridge Analytica. MAGA, Lock Her Up, etc., all tested by CA for effectiveness. They knew exactly how malleable likely Trump supporters were and effectively targeted them with dumb assed slogans they knew stupid people would fall for.

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