Good News? September 2019 Jobs Report

Ah…the good old Fed is conspiring against Trump excuse? At least Trump knows his supporters will run with whatever argument is twisted brain imagines.


I said nothing about a conspiracy, what I stated is fact and it is the Fed’s stated policy.

They want to keep growth under 3% and adjust the money supply accordingly.

So the Fed just started attempting to control inflation when Trump came in office? Or has this always been the goal of the Fed?

Their inflation fears began as the economy started to heat up shortly after Trump was elected and they started to reduce the money supply in order to slow it down.

You’re missing the point. Controlling inflation has always been a goal of the Fed.

What we have here is that the economy is not growing faster under Trump. However, you’re basically saying that we should give Trump more credit than Obama, even though the economy is not growing faster, because of the Fed. If the economy isn’t growing faster, what are we giving Trump credit for? Whatever pretzels you want to twist yourself into is fine with me.


Pretty much every conservative went on and on about fake numbers, participation rate and/or real unemployment.


I give credit to Trump for our current good economy. I’m a bit worried that he is adding so much to the debt while we have such a good economy.

Obama’s deficit was much less under a slightly less robust economy.

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The harder it is to fill new jobs. There are help wanted signs up at nearly every business locally.

Should be good for wage negotiations.


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But what’s the real UE rate? Wasn’t the real number about 30 points higher than number reported?..At least that’s what we were told during the Obama years, it’s funny how that never gets talked about by the CEC or on here anymore…

You just gave the left a case of heartburn. :+1::grin:

I said it under Obama, and I’ll say it under Trump. There are a veriety of reasons people choose not to work (abled bodied, but not working, nor looking for work under the definition.)

My 23 year old daughter is going to grad school. No job (her husband works, and I was flabergasted when I found out how much he makes). She doesn’t need a job, nor want one for the next three years (she’s so amazing she has a full ride scholarship AND the University pays her a month stipend for living expenses). My ex wife, few years ago her (new) husband had a job that made it so she didn’t need to work, didn’t want a job. He’s now retired, she found a job within a few days of looking. So now it’s reveresed. She works, he doesn’t and has no desire to look for a job.

Not only that, if you go back to the 1950’s and 1960’s, the participation rate was much worse than now.

No, I talked about the reality of the monthly jobs report. Like all of us non hyper partisans and non Trump schills have been doing every month for years on this board and its predecessor. This report is fine. I will note though that manufacturing is down in the greatest economy ever. And the negative wage growth is a major problem. Slow wage growth has been an almost inexplicable problem for years.

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Right, despite the fact that it’s been a few of us who have routinely been the ones who have made these economic report threads for years, despite the ups and downs. They weren’t fake under Obama and they aren’t fake now. We post the facts.


A few nuts. The President, well the candidate at the time repeatedly tweeted “real“ unemployment numbers and notes the drop in the participation rate.

I can’t wait until 2025 though “only a few nuts supporters Trump at the time” guffaw guffaw

The fed’s policy goals have shifted and did so shortly after Trump was elected by raising rates when there was no inflation.

They are doing what the can to keep growth under 3% and inflation under 2% and they clearly overreacted with their first rate hikes and then doubled down by not reducing them when the inflation they feared never materialized.

Those are simply facts, it has nothing to do with partisanship and it’s their own stated policy and record.

The only way the deficit was held down under Obama was the sequester forced on him by republicans.

A growing deficit was inevitable because of the cost of rebuilding a badly depleted military that was approaching less than 50% readiness capability while being overextended across the world.

Democrats doubled down once Trump was elected actively encouraging illegals to flood the country and fighting every attempt made by the administration to stop them which has added billions on a monthly basis to pay to detain, process, and care for the illegals along with all of the welfare benefits they receive once released into the country due to overcrowding.

Get rid of as many illegals as we can while securing the border to prevent their return and quickly we’ll see even lower UE, rising wages, and dramatically increased tax revenues as a result.

Then get some cooperation on both sides of the aisle on the budget and we can get the deficit back under control while still growing the economy.

That you think those claims are facts is ridiculous. Mattress tag level ridiculous.


Is wage growth a lagging indicator?

They are all facts and documented history.