God Bless the U.S.A

Happy Birthday to those who believe in America as it was founded and for the freedoms provided therein :us: :us: :us:


What band was that?

hmmm. honestly I don’t know, I think it was just a spur of the moment thing by them using the song “Too Late to Apologize.” I know I like their spin off better than the original. :wink:

What a ridiculous post

You’re only allowed to celebrate if you do it the “proper” way.

Wait until you see my Christmas greetings, you godless heathens.

I agree. You should stop making them.

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Really?..Interesting way to put it. Why not just “Happy Birthday America” ? “As it was founded” wasn’t exactly peachy for those that happened to be slaves…

Patriotism is too often politicized.

Go tell them you’re sorry.

All countries’ birthdays matter.

What a ■■■■■■■■ this place has become.

It’s not just America’s independence, It is my (and every American Citizen’s) independence.

SeanHannity, get in here and clean this up, you name is besmirched.

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I love my country and am thankful to the OP and all of those who sacrificed militarily for us to live our lives in peace. Happy 4th of July my fellow Americans.


Happy Fourth! Grab a hot dog and a beer.

When scoundrels take refuge, politics follow.

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If you had a clue it would be lonely

Be well…

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The 4th of July my fellow Americans and one man’s way of celebrating it. Bam! :sunglasses:

That was awesome! :+1: