Girl Blimps Just Want To Have Fun

Just about every time I finally get a bellyful a heartwarming story like this one comes along that keeps me posting.

An inflatable caricature balloon of Sadiq Khan is flown over Parliament Square in London on Saturday.

An inflatable caricature balloon of Sadiq Khan is flown over Parliament Square in London on Saturday.

A giant balloon depicting London mayor Sadiq Khan scowling in a bikini has taken flight over Parliament Square in Westminster, in an attempt by campaigners to highlight the capital’s rise in violent crime.

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I agree with the mayor…yellow just isn’t his color.

My breasts are larger than his. He is shameless.

You might want to start doing some cardio and rethink your diet a little bit then.

Let’s go back into the Trump balloon thread. All those what if liberals posts don’t seem as pointed anymore.

Brought that up when I posted it…:cricket:

Good for them. What’s good for the goose is good for the Gander and all that. :+1:


Turns out the guy who organised this whole thing is an anti-semite, figures.

Khan handled the whole thing correctly, shrug it off with a joke. Far better than reacting like some thin-skinned egomaniac.

Link? Proof?

Makes no sense does it? The mayor being a muslim and all.

I saw what you did there.

Which would be what exactly?

Backhandedly called Khan anti-Semitic.

That’s your partisanship showing through. I was making the point that it wasn’t likely an anti semite would make fun of a muslim.

Didn’t involve the mayor at all.

I wanted to capture this exchange all in one post… kinda like a case study in bizarre Lib logic.

There is probably some CDC sponsored psych research that could use this.

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It is Bizzaro World Lib logic isn’t it? :rofl:

What do you have to assume about a Muslim to believe that it would be unlikely an anti-Semite would make fun of him?

This should be good…,.

Ok. You get points for having a source. I certainly respect that. However… After carefully reading the piece, and I did carefully read it, it smacks of left wing froppery. Chum for hungry libsharks. Screamingly partisan.

You don’t see it that way, I’m sure. Other than that I don’t have a cat in the fight. Carry on.