Get Out of Your Fee Fees

I found this interesting, as I’m seeing the same thing start to happen with some of my clients.

There is a subtle shift to move back to “data” and away from emotions. I’m actually hearing it said more and more, especially to younger people.

They don’t even realize they were in their feels until it is said. At first they deny it, then given some firm guidance and reflect time, they start to adapt.

It’s fascinating.


I think this is more agenda driven on CNN’s part. They want Trump as the Republican nominee because they think they can beat him. Can’t have some lilly livered reporter spending up all his outrage right out the gate. Save it for the national election.

Without Trump, CNN doesn’t have enough viewers to feed their addiction. Junkies need their drug. :wink:


Licht reminds me of Zaslov shifting things around in Warner Discovery, wanting to invest in Harry Potter, cancelling shows, not releasing Batgirl. I’m not sure about the Trump town hall decision though, where covering becomes enabling for ratings which is what the media took criticism for last time.

Y’all are missing the point. It’s not about Trump or the town hall.

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Just following the lead.

As for in general, I’m glad people are finally giving up on following their feelings, or at least being admonished for it when done until stupid outcomes arise. It was just a matter of time until the gen xers got fed up with the gushy millennials, though.


This trend of allowing feeeeeelings to guide your decision making instead of applying your brain has been a growing trend for a long time and you don’t have to go any further than right here in Hannity Land to witness examples of it.


It seems the push back is starting.


Watch the business sector. They’ll get it eventually.

ESG is going to be on life support before long.


Some things never change.

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Trolls gonna troll.

Big picture wise this seems to be a pushback against the feminists. They and the woke cult went too far.

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