Georgia shutting down 7 of 9 polling station in a black majority county

I’ll let you do your own searching now, but Scott Peavy sure doesn’t seem to fit the profile you are suggesting…

I have given you plenty to data now to support your theory… Just a little heads up, I can provide pictures… :joy:

Well pictures can show he is white, they don’t show he’s republican. And who chose him to head the board of elections? I am not making any claims as to whether the people responsible are black, white, republicans or democrats, I am simply asking the question as it seems pretty relevant given the accusations being made.

From the minutes of the June 29, 2017 called meeting…

Ok, so who are those three people, what party are they?

This is the guy that made the motion correct?

from Randolph County election results

(D) Wesley Williams 85% - 383 votes

And for the people saying, well they should have just made those locations ADA compliant…

from Randolph gets big increase in property tax

County Attorney Coleman says the County would be bankrupt if Counties were allowed to declare bankruptcy.

The county owes the IRS $700,000 at a 14% interest.

They also owe the bank $1.5 million at a 6% interest.

I have to ask, with what money?


Is it just too much to ask that when you accuse republicans of being racists trying to suppress the black democratic vote that you show the people doing it are actually republicans instead of democrats? Or is asking you do also racist?

Schools. They have to be ADA compliant and they use schools for polling places here.

Umm no, one of the polling places was a middle school, it was not ADA compliant, want to know why? Because the Obama administration changed the requirements for ADA compliance and that county is stone cold broke.

So…another school

And you know another school is ADA compliant? Which ones? And they have to be in the right places as well, if you only find one, how is that any different than the one place they chose that was compliant? And again, how is this republicans fault or an attempt to suppress democratic or black voters if the people who made the decision aren’t republicans but democrats?

I am all for chastising republicans who are trying to suppress black or democratic voters, I do however insist they be republicans before I do it. That’s step one in the process.

You might want to read a little more on the history of voting in Randolph County before making such a vigorous defense…


Umm did you not read all the way to the decision, Cook got trounced. IE he lost. And what does any of that have to do with this?

Yes, I read the decision… So your defense of what happened is that it was moot since he won in the other district?

The blue wave is coming, the blue wave is coming… I know that ADA thing from 2012 that we have been ignoring…

No, my point was he alleged racial discrimination and the court said he was full of beans.

Who is we? Democrats?