Gay man refused service at store

Seriously, I though we were past this. Question: How can you refuse service to a gay man these days? Answer: Because he is not your brand of gay. He is a minority within a minority which means that he is fair game according to twisted liberal ‘logic.’ A conservative gay named Brandon Straka. The most hated of the hated. Founder of the #WalkAway movement. I’m not a fan of boycotts, but I will make an assumption in this case. Nobody should be doing business with bigots. The ironic thing is that this type of fascism and thought control is exactly the reason this guy walked away from liberalism. They are helping him make his point. Thanks for the help libs!

Anyone else corroborate his story? Any videos? I don’t see a mention of any witnesses in this article.

From his comments in the article, he wasn’t denied service. He was trying to preach about his movement to the employee, who wasn’t interested and was directed to a different employee who completed the transaction.

It is doubtful that anyone in NYC really knows who he is.

Fair question. Let’s see how it plays out. But if he tries to destroy someone’s business based on a false claim, he could find himself in hot water. But typically we assume that all charges of bigotry are true until proven otherwise. That’s the American way.

Nothing to play out…from your link.

Straka said that the employee was a fellow gay man, and that when he tried to explain what #WalkAway was, the employee was not interested in having a conversation. Straka was directed to another employee at the store who completed the sale.

He wasn’t denied diddly squat. Thread fail.

He was denied service by an employee. When Starbucks does this they shut down the entire company and have a week of diversity training.

That is how it started. Somebody recognized him and wanted a selfie.

An employee didn’t want to hear his ■■■■■ so he another employee finished the sale. Why is this so difficult for you to understand?

Starbucks didn’t deny service to anyone, they had two black men arrested because they didn’t buy something in a time period they thought was appropriate. Apples and Oranges.

From the article that’s not what happened.

Would you say the same thing if Strakas were black? No.

His own words.

Straka said that the employee was a fellow gay man, and that when he tried to explain what #WalkAway was, the employee was not interested in having a conversation. Straka was directed to another employee at the store who completed the sale

So you think it was okay for the first clerk not to provide service?

After the employee refused service. After the employee said it was for “alt right purposes”.

Post what he says right before that.

How do you know the employee said this? Any proof? Videos? Witnesses?

Is it okay for city clerks to not issue marriage permits to homosexual customers?

That appears to be the extent of it. Employee didn’t want to hear his sales pitch, found someone else to serve him. Outrage ensues.

I need to see proof, where is it?