Funny Political Pictures II


In the 1940s he was.

That’s misandrist.

So is that.

The meme should have shown Bogey. :wink:

No, he wasn’t. It’s a myth.

Cary Grant wasn’t gay, but rather his boyfriend was.


Did you read the article? In the 1940s, everyone in Hollywood was gay whether they were homosexual or not. :wink:

Fred Flintstone was gay back in the 60’s.

It’s right there in the theme song lyrics.

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It turned out Rock Hudson was for sure.

Nobody is as cool as James Dean not even Steve McQueen! Well, I’ll go with toss up.

James Dean was a weenie compared to Steve McQueen. :sunglasses:

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Never understood the practice of measuring a man by the way he wears his hair, his sartorial choices, or what consenting adult he chooses to sleep with.

C’mon man! Did you see that guy in the picture on the right? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

lol he might have the the heart of a lion and twice the testosterone for all we know.

Not judging a book by its cover and all that :wink:

Yeah. sure. :grinning:

Anyone sitting on Triumph half ass backwards on front fender isn’t cool IMO.

One like this.



Is that a Bonneville or a Speed Twin?