Funny...and very apropos in today's strange climate

A black leader in the sense of a leader who is black…such as a congresswoman. But you know to whom I was referring, didn’t you?

Blacks are getting reported because of Maxime Waters?

That’s what you want to go with?

Why is it when you people repeat what I say, but change it around, it is never what I said? Only blacks are reported and only by white people…That’s what you want to go with?

I’m not changing around what you said.

It’s pretty much exactly what you said. Please elaborate on how you were misunderstood.

One suggestions for black leaders if you want to stop reports…don’t publicly recommend that your supporters harass people who are just trying to mind their own business or eat dinner in public.

Wait. What? You’re blaming Maxine Waters for these incidents? Good gravy man. :laughing:

Youve lost it dude.

Then be more specific about what you’re talking about.

You didn’t laugh?

The video in the op was pretty funny

So if you are white… you should mind your own ■■■■■■■ business. But its OK if black people punch white people and kill them? I don’t get it. What is your logic?

That’s because that’s not the argument.

Thats nice dear. Now run along now, the adults are talking.

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There is no argument… just a hilarious slapstick reality.

White people minding their own ■■■■■■■ business are shot, killed, and assaulted by black people who ARE NOT minding their own ■■■■■■■ business. So the OP is so so funny because … you know… those white people in the links I posted who were minding their own ■■■■■■■ business really were surprised. hahahagagaha…

So you are doubling down on “all brown people are dangerous”, I see.

At least you’re honest…

Who said “dangerous” ?

Just laughing at how surprised white people are who are minding their own ■■■■■■■ business when those good natured black people surprise those foolish white people. HAHAHAHAHA…

Right. By your account, you better call the cops on every minority you see because one of them might be intending to kill someone.

I cant tell if its his regular trolling, or if he really is going down that rabbit hole.

Wouldn’t that be funny

Especially if they killed someone minding their own ■■■■■■■ business after drinking this stuff.


It’s his regular trolling. He’s brought it to the NATO thread too.

I think it’s extremely helpful that you call the police on every minority you see. I wonder how many crimes you’ve prevented? Sure, you tie up police resources by making sure they check out individuals who are simply walking down the street or mowing their lawn, but you never know which minority is going to be the violent ones.

They should give you the key to the city.