I mean come on…lighten up. Picture that man saying to each of those nosey white people… “mind your own ■■■■■■■business” just as he blew them away. HA HA HA HA. Think of the surprise on their faces, thinking that actually minding their own ■■■■■■■business would save them. HA HA HA HA.
I once went for a walk in my neighborhood at night and someone reported to the police that a suspicious person was walking around. I was stopped by the police.
When I was about 6 years old I had a lemonade stand (this was in the 1950s). A neighbor called the police who told my mother that, since there was a complaint and a license was required, I would have to shut my stand down.
I have seen similar events on the national news recently because the complainer was white and the person reported was black.
Needless to say, in the instances I mentioned, there was nothing on the national news.
Obvious the lemonade stand was.
There was already an internet when the person reported me for walking around.
The point is this sort of thing happens all the time. Now the media is in the process of cherry picking the ones where the innocent person being reported is black and the person doing the reporting is white.
This is so obviously a media ploy that is what makes the OP not funny.
Can you provide links to the all the times a black person reported a white person for walking down the street, or going to the community pool, or canvassing a neighbor as a politician, or having a bbq in a park?
Surely there must be some. (unless the Lib media is out to getcha!)