From the Federalist Society: "We Need To Stop Calling Ourselves Conservatives"

I thought this was fascinating internal PR and messaging from everyone’s favorite society . . . the Federalist Society, which has been essential in bringing us such recent favorites as “Overturning Roe v. Wade” They have a newish essay out by John Daniel Davidson: “We Need To Stop Calling Ourselves Conservatives.”

I think there’s a lot of merit to this idea, at least on its own. Trying to align the “GOP” with “conservatism” over the last 25-30 years has been borderline-impossible and it’s probably never been all that easy.

But anyway, he argues that the long-term conservative project (stretching from Edmund Burke to Buckley to Reagan, one presumes) has failed; that the right must “must break from the past and forge a new political identity cannot be overstated. It is time now for something new, for a new way of thinking.” He suggests counterrevolutionaries or restorationists, or even taking the pilgrims as role models. But to be successful, the right must:

discard outdated and irrelevant notions about “small government.” The government will have to become, in the hands of conservatives, an instrument of renewal in American life — and in some cases, a blunt instrument indeed.

For example:

wielding government power will mean a dramatic expansion of the criminal code.

The time for the niceties of democratic principles and concerns about authoritarianism have passed.

To those who worry that power corrupts, and that once the right seizes power it too will be corrupted, they certainly have a point. If conservatives manage to save the country and rebuild our institutions, will they ever relinquish power and go the way of Cincinnatus? It is a fair question, and we should attend to it with care after we have won the war.

Okay, so who’s down for this? What do you want to be called?

That’s a pretty smart rebrand. Their biggest political vulnerability is the appearance of sloth when challenged by a problem. Conservative becomes a bad word to a population seeking solutions and action.

Restorationist sounds proactive, like they’re doing something.

Trouble is, I don’t particularly like when EITHER party does anything, more often than not, it screws things up.

I would happily prefer eternal deadlock between the two parties and the predictable status quo.

As for the OP.

Trumpism is populism, not conservatism.

So it is entirely unsurprising to see the rebrand.


Progressivism is populism, not liberalism.

I would prefer Constitutionalism to conservatism.


I love the writings of Edmund Burke while we’re not that party I don’t think many people in either party agree with everything done within the party. I have met many democrats who were not into the woke thing and many republicans myself included that stay out of the abortion debate. I consider myself more fiscal conservative than social conservative but I see merits in it culturally.

Imho I think most of us try to look down the list and find which party most represents us not wholly represents us.


Strange article to say the least. He seems to be arguing for using a Marxist viewpoint of technological advancement and a defeatist assumption to call for revolutionary advocacy.

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Theoretically conservatism has pushed for a reduced executive branch and federal government role. Trumpism and his brand of populism completely upended that. That populist style mimics many hard right “semi-fascist” governments we have seen historically. And by the way Federalist Society- it already has a name- MAGA.

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Don’t forget the Patriot Acts.


Who is their champion? I think it’s Desantis.

I believe there’s going to have to be a fight.

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Here’s the problem right here.

They are looking for “solutions and action” from the wrong level of government.

It’s why roe was bad law, but also things like DOMA were bad law as well. The same reason that the fed can’t say “this thing that isn’t a right has to be legal” Roe…… it also can’t go “this thing we don’t have authority over has to be illegal” DOMA.

Edit: people need to look to their State governments to handle their issues. Not the Fed govt trying to hammer a solution into all 50 states regardless of the shape of the peg and hole.


Well, I hope so. Trump’s attachment to the GOP (like everything else in his life) is purely instrumental in the basest sense. If he feels slighted or usurped—look out. Plus, I don’t think DeSantis will fold up like the gallery of emasculated Republicans in 2016 who had no idea all the rules had changed.

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Seems to me someone is trying to counter me saying libs are not liberals. Which they aren’t. They’re authoritarians attempting to hid behind liberalism to impose their authority. We see libs here doing precisely that all the time.

IMO Conservatives in American believes in preservation of our founder intent. That means abiding by our Constitution and BoR’s.

Not the European definition of Conservatism that the left is pushing.

I also understand most Americans are political illiterates…and that IMO is intentions of what the left is pushing in our schools.


I am excited to watch it play out, though. I wonder: will Desantis fight, or wait Trumo out. He’s a young man, but what if he loses momentum and appeal?

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There will be a day. It will be a big day. When DeSantis says something really direct and harsh about Trump and will keep hammering the point. When he decides it’s time to make a “break”. I can’t wait for that day.

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By this definition, conservatives are authoritarian. They hid behind the constitution to impose their authority.

Then they aren’t Conservative…now get your own talking points.

When libs find something they “agree” with coming from the right, it becomes the song of their people atop a soapbox. :rofl:

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ALL political terms whether it be conservatism, liberalism, etc., which seeks to describe large groups of people from all over the country are not immutable scientific facts, but mere generalizations put forth by people who don’t realize that.

Are you even trying? This isn’t even “wrong” as response. I know it’s marketing ■■■■■■■■■ but maybe switch from indica to sativa.