From CNN: Former Presidents Obama, Bush and Clinton volunteer to get coronavirus vaccine publicly

No, good chance he is one of those kind that get woozy and will pass out getting a shot.


I would bet that nobody is happier on Trumps time in office than Bush Junior. He is now probably like “Hey this is great they hate this guy so much, they forgot how much they hated me”.


He wouldn’t show up.
There’s no money in it.
Unless he signs the needle and sells it.

Dubya did pass the oh so high bar of understanding literally anything about politics except demagoguery. And the jokes about his intellect were from the era when presidents were expected to be extremely intelligent. Now we’ve had four years of a president who’s a gibbering moron.


History will come to know it as the Dolly Parton vaccine. Watch.


No, he needs to take it first and on TV.

I would respect that.

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And the next two are going to make the last 4 sound like Morgan Freeman and James Earl Jones reading Hemingway.

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Yes I’m sure they’re going to be worse speakers and have less of a conception of what their job even is than Donald Trump.

I’ll even handicap it and say we’ll never have another president who doesn’t even understand what the Supreme Court is or does when they come into office, let alone not know after four years of being president.


There is zero chance that Trump could explain what the three branches of government do at an eighth or ninth grade level. I am pretty sure his store of knowledge boils down to something like: I can do X, but they say I can’t do Y, and well, that’s what almost everybody tells me, so I don’t know, well have to take a very strong look at it, but it’s a very, very tough thing.


Will we ever have another one who believes he’s running for the Senate?


Donald Trump couldn’t pass a ninth grade civics test even after four years of being president and you know it. Also you’ve called him a moron repeatedly yourself so what’s the deal.

Donald Trump lost. Let’s talk about what you voted for. The winner.

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There is not a single American left outside of QAnon nuts who believes that Donald Trump is just playing at being stupid.

And they believe Trump is actually secretly a good person, which IMO is a bigger leap than believing there’s a cabal of Democratic pedophiles terrorizing kids to drink their blood and live forever.

Again? Man!

You interjected yourself apropos of nothing into an exchange I was having with another poster about Dubya and Trump sooooo

Yeah, I do that.

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And then the new thread based on the CNN article: Trump, who has already had the virus, uses up scarce serum that could have been used to save this person: [image of elderly dead person]


Ye (Korean yeah) I know. But it would be bad ass.

Well there’s your answer to why it’s not about what you want it to be about.