Free Beer! . . . Finally Free Beer!

My favorite was when I lived in England for a year. All the cool kids were drinking imported beer, American Budweiser in clubs. Shook my head and kept drinking Guinness. And Heineken was my go to before craft brewing took off here in the states as well.

Trying to get the wife to get me this for my birthday now, ok, the next ten birthdays combined.

Or I will just tack it on to my garage renovation when I get around to it, won’t seem so pricy wrapped into a bigger project hehe. It’s a six car garage so there is room out there for a bar and a brew area.

Tastes like donkey piss.

If anyone knows where that quote is from, you’re officially a nerd.


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I saw a funny quote the other day: "Shavers hit so hard he could turn horse piss into gasoline”.

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When I was over in England in early 1980s I was amused that many pubs featured Carling Black Label as an American import. I wouldn’t drink CBL even back in the days when I drank Olympia, Rainer, and Licky Lager. :wink:

Prune Juice: sure it tastes terrible but it can help keep you regular.

But according to Worf it is a warrior’s drink.

Klingons as a species are constipated. That’s why all the grunting and growling.


Just this once I’ll agree with you.

If any two people, regardless of how much they disagree with each other, can find common ground on something if enough subjects are broached. And beer is as good a thing to agree on as anything. :wink:

Do we dare take up the topic of Scotch vs. Bourbon? :thinking:

I lean scotch but won’t turn my nose up at a good bourbon. I like a top shelf manhattan up at a steak house pre steak for instance. But if we are going pure booze appreciations its scotch. If you like bourbon they have tours to all the distilleries in Kentucky. Beware of bride parties.

PS they have funky fungi growing down there from the alcohol sugars in the air.

Bourbon any day of the week! Now if you wanna talk Irish whiskey…

Single malt, well-aged, but corn liquor has its place.

Meh. Irish is okay, but it’s just scotch without the smoldering dead leaves taste.