There is a valid case to be made the duties performed as a function of the Office, should not lead to criminal prosecution.
However there are two other situations. There is conduct as a candidate seeking office and conduct as an individual not related to the official duties to the office nor related to the campaign.
There does need to be a degree of Presidential immunity as it relates to functions of the Office of the President. But immunity to the Office should not extend to campaign activities which are not a function of the office or activities performed as an individual.
Trump’s attorney argued that if a president ordered his military to assainate a pollical opponent, and he isn’t impeached for it, there is no crime.
According to Trump and his band of lawyers a president basically has total immunity while in office - so Trump’s answer would have to be no to remain consistent.
…means if you’re on the side of Donald Trump…you’re guilty. There’s no need for this hearing. It was over before it began. Let the appeal begin…