Fox Op-Ed: How Long Will I Be Allowed to Remain a Christian?


That’s why your “supply-side Jesus” was so dead on the money.

The bible is neither left-wing, right-wing, pro-Trump, anti-Trump. It’s about anti-greed. It’s about loving your fellow man and woman. It’s about taking care of the poor, elderly, misguided, and the environment.

The Bible is pretty silence on abortion too. Although, there’s a text about women drinking “bitter water”. Wonder what that means.

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I don’t know what that means.

The Dems were empower for about 6-8 straight years. Nothing happened.

The vast majority of Americans are Judo-Christians.

You used to be a little more subtle. Tone it down a bit, you’re exposing yourself.

Do you have any concrete examples of this?

Did you see that great big IF that started the paragraph?

You may also want to check out a book by Robert Singh. One of the issues he noted is that the “Christian Right” is a term the media coined from statements gathered from separate, unrelated denominations and issues. If the quote about gathering three people from the Jewish faith gather to discuss a passage will result in four opinions, it is even more true of Christianity.

Who cares?

Good summary of the Bible and Jesus. Remarkable so many can profess to be the most devouted Christians, yet profess their belief sof greed and hate.

Since you can’t provide even one concrete example why bring it up at all?

It means the libs have lost their minds. I left when I saw it coming. They are fully satanic now.

Satan is appalled by liberals. Even the Prince of Lies understands that conservatism is the better path.

Grin. It is the fault of those who removed those old-time see-saws from our playgrounds. If those on the see-saw were of equal weight, or could adjust for additional weight, fun could be have by both. If one side had too much weight (or to little) neither had any fun at all. I blame whomever removed the see-saws–whether they be liberal or conservative. The wisdom of the see-saw has been lost! Lost, I say.

Hey you! I pray you and yours are well


Yes, all is well, and I hope the same is true for you! Good seeing you.