Fox News: Yovanovich Proves the Democrats Have No Case

#facts matter.


Underestimating your opponent is usually a very poor strategy. Please stick to it.

Clearly it’s too complicated for you.
That’s not why she wss there.

Are you smarter than him?


Not at all.

Trump supporters on the hill and on these boards keep using the argument that so far the witnesses only have hearsay knowledge. Yet the people who have first hand knowledge are not appearing before committee. If they have done nothing wrong why are they not coming forward and clear the President?
Most honest and transparent is on it’s face laughable.

The woman was telling Ukraine officials that President Trump would be impeached, that is information undoubtedly uncovered by Giuliani’s investigation which he was asked to do by the State Department.

Inexplicable motives her lying rump :angry: as this seditious weeping willow :cry: knows exactly why she was removed from her position whatever the reason given, or not given, by her employer!

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Was she? Proof?

Also, you trust anything Guiliani says?

And ethical organization would give the employee a reason for removing her.

Can you cite any basis for these assertions, or is fantasy character assassination all you have left to defend Dear Leader Donald?

Just listen to the exchange between Rep. Jordan and Yovanovich at the 1 minute mark and it’s all quite clear.


Yep, sounds about right!

Please send the video of the exchange you mentioned between Jordan and Yovanovitch. Jordan is just pontificating for the cameras on this clip.

Gym Jordan is hard to take seriously on on these matters given that he has a well documented history of not noticing crimes occurring in front of him.


Thanks…and sorry about that. Here it is.


And if trump had just fired Yovanovitch, there wouldn’t be anything to say about it.

But he fired her after he and his cronies spread lies about her, and he fired her after his SoS asked her to stay on…and he did so because his personal atty thought removing her would make it easier for him to get the Ukrainians to play ball.

Mr. President?

Are you?

Trump needed an Ambassador that performed better WRT his policy.

If she was threatened by a tweet that said she was not a good performer?

Case closed.
