Fox News, stop complaining about taxes and deficits __ offer a remedy, e.g., the FSBBA

Is it not the responsibility of our media to point to remedies found in our Constitution when complaining about Congress’ actions?

Is it not a fact today’s complaints about taxes and deficits would not exist if our Founder’s original tax plan was adhered to as it was intended to operate?

Why do you give a pass to our media when it is delinquent in offering pertinent and vital information regarding a contentious and current issue being debated?

That “sweet tax deal” you mention is now stealing the property which working people earn when selling the property each has in their own labor. That, my friend is not a “sweet deal”.

Additionally, that “sweet deal” has proven to be a patently evil system of taxation.

  • When a system of taxation allows the force of government to directly tax one citizen and require that citizen to pay two dollars, and then tax a neighbor directly for one dollar, that is an evil system of taxation

  • When a system of taxation can be used as a political weapon to criminally prosecute a government Administrations’ political opponents, that is an evil system of taxation

  • When a system of taxation has become so complex that it requires high priced lawyers to decipher and can be used to avoid paying taxes, that is an evil system of taxation

  • When the definition of “taxable income” can be manipulated to exclude the friends and donors of certain politicians, that is an evil system of taxation

  • When a system of taxation makes citizens spend, over 3.24 billion hours a year preparing and filing tax-returns, that is an evil system of taxation.

  • When a system of taxation costs $37 billion a year in administrative and compliance costs, that is an evil system of taxation

  • When a system of taxation invites billions of dollars to be spent on lobbying members of Congress in return for privileged tax relief, for those who can afford it, that is an evil system of taxation

  • When a system of taxation tells a minister of church what may and may not be said during a sermon, that is an evil system of taxation

  • When a system of taxation is so intrusive that a taxpayer must disclose some of their most personal and intimate information and spending habits, that is an evil system of taxation

  • When a tax system gives people back more money than they paid in, that, my friend, is an evil system of taxation.

  • When a tax confiscates the bread which a working person earns by the sweat of their labor, that is an evil system of taxation.

Why on earth do you support such an evil system of taxation and reject returning to our Constitution’s original tax plan which would end the miseries we now suffer from “income taxation”?



This country would not be recognizable if we did that. We may not even be a superpower.

The media is a business.

I agree with you. The unfortunate and sad truth is people with an agenda are generally not interested in establishing truth and facts when it conflicts with their agenda.


Why is the Democrat Party Leadership filling scarce public housing with illegal aliens when America’s needy Citizens, including U.S. Military Veterans, are going homeless?

This is the GOP mantra. It’s partly why they believe in so many conspiracy theories.

Sheople Baaa Baaaa :sheep: :sheep: :sheep:

Are you?

We are finding out as each day passes how the tax calculated from “incomes” is more about attacking political opposition, manipulating the people’s lives and turning them into sheeple, than raising a federal revenue.

The question is, when will a sincere conversation begin concerning real tax reform, and ending this patently evil tax calculated from “incomes”?



Yes, patently “evil” as itemized HERE


There is something very wrong taking place in the United States when her own citizens are made homeless by their federal government to accommodate the needs of millions of the worlds poverty-stricken who are invading the borders of the United States.

How evil, on a scale from 1 to 10 with 1 being a passing thought about kicking a dog and 10 being genocide?