The fact the Left that is all they been saying about Trump it is a honest mistake when it is all you hear everyday from other Media.
Hell that is all Bill Maher says in his stuff.
Hell at the awards show las night:
idiot is the President. It’s ‘The Emperor’s New Clothes’
Of course you all cried at the Righties who kept making these claims about Obama. But somehow yours is more righteous?
I think not.
So you now claim to be a Mind Reader?
Please prove that you can Read Minds and tell me what I am thinking now. So until then I don’t think you or even I know what Trump really thinks like.
Well if you listen to Fox they talk about how the Liberal Media is always calling Trump a Dictator. So I can see how she made the flub.
But Trump’s Actions are not Dictatorial when he says any deal will have to go to Congress, Or what he did with DACA telling Congress to do their job and make it permanent. Seems to me those are strange things for a USA Dictator to do.