Florida Bill Will Ban Censorship


Speech is Speech. Facebook doesn’t allow me to spread my message any better than this forum.

Florida Bill threatens to protect rest of internet from Florida Man.


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What is the violation? States routinely license businesses and regulate their behavior within their state.

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You can’t be serious. What is the most views any post here ever had?

You can’t regulate first amendment restraints onto a private entity. That is a Supreme Court ruling by the 5 conservative justices no less. You cannot make a state regulation that is unconstitutional

No, you can’t regulate them using the federal first amendment as a basis. Says nothing of state constitutions and what they can do under their own constitutions speech protections. California as an example does not limit such protections from just the government. Many states have broader speech protection in their constitutions.

If you tweet something right now how many views do you think it will get? Will it get more or less engagement here?

One isn’t guaranteed an audeince, anywhere.

No but by sheer size you are far more likely to have more people see it.

if trump created an account in these boards and hannity told everyone it was actually trump. how much coverage would his posts get?

more than any tweet i made would…

it is interesting that hannity does not suggest to trump to make an account here…

he would be completely uncensored…

i wonder why he hasnt or if he has why trump wouldnt…

Like I said their rationale probably isn’t how many people see it but rather, not squashing start ups and small competitors. And it’s hardly a rare occurrence for them to do so. A slew of regulation is only applicable to companies over a certain size.

False. Corporate personhood. Citizens United was literally about the first amendment protections given to corporations. A “regulation” saying a company is not able to control its own content is a violation. In the eyes of the law it is no different than telling a person they can or cannot say certain things.

“Protecting” the speech of someone using a private platform is not a first amendment issue. See the SCOTUS case I already linked to. Furthermore, private entities (corporations) have first amendment rights of their own which this would violate. See Citizens United.

I doubt it. You’ve got people seeing you and engaging with your posts here now. If you, right now, go tweet, you’ll get less. You have no audience.

You know why, because he would have a hard time finding someone to host the site or process payments for anything sold on it. Realized I don’t know if they sell anything around here.

Not for long, I am pretty good at writing, if I say so myself. Not worth the death threats though.

i never saw anything for sale on twitter…

why would he need anyone to host a site? what is stopping him from buying some servers and hosting his own site?

isnt they guy a billionare?

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Hannity is a billionaire?

The entire world could be reading me. Everyone on Earth can see this if they want to. People could pilgrimage to hear me speak in person.

They aren’t. I have zero twitter followers. This is not twitters fault.

no, trump is a billionare… at least he claims to be…

he cant afford a couple servers and a couple people to run it?

why does he need anyone to host his site?

Never said it was twitters fault.